Meta-JB - External Dependencies

Meta-JB has one required external dependency and several conditional external dependencies that will allow different packages to be compiled when present.


  • Log4j - internally Meta-JB used log4j for logging. This is a required dependency and Meta-JB should work with any recent version of this jar.

Meta-JB Graph Toolkit

The Graph package is conditionally compiled based on the presence of the following dependencies.

  • Plexus - Latest plexus releases can be obtained from The Plexus Project Page. Meta-jb stays pretty up-to-date with this project since its developer is one of our members.
  • Commons Collections - Required by plexus and the org.progeeks.graph code.

Meta-JB Hibernate Toolkit

Meta-JB Chart Toolkit

The jfreechart package is conditionally compiled based on the presence of the following dependencies.

  • JFreeChart-1.0.0-rc1
  • Cewolf-0.10.3+ cewolf.

    Currently, a post-release version of Cewolf is required since the project itself has not been updated for the jfreechar-1.0.0 APIs. Since only a small subset of the library is used, a mini-jar with the up-to-date, required classes is included with the charting example project. See the "Required Software" note in the org.progeeks.jfreechart package.html for more details.

  • Please see the licenses requirements (LGPL) for both JFreeChart and Cewolf on their respective sites.

Meta-JB JUnit Toolkit

The junit package is conditionally compiled based on the presence of the following dependencies.